Get Involved

Serbian Philanthropic Association members are individuals with diverse professional backgrounds, united by a common goal to give back to the Serbian community.

Membership Criteria

Membership is by invitation only and our selection process focuses on the individual’s existing contributions and future commitment to contribute. We are looking for individuals who agree with the values and are passionate about the mission and vision of the Association. 

Each individual needs to be referred by three current Members and complete the verification process and a brief interview prior to becoming a Member. Each year, all members are required to pay a membership fee of $100.

Member benefits include:

  • Become a part of the vibrant community and develop new connections and network
  • Design and execute projects aligned with out mission and vision, within the framework of the Association
  • Have a voice and influence in where we make an impact
  • Members-only webinars and events
  • Learn from the diverse group of individuals and develop new skills

Interested in becoming a member?

Apply for membership

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Not sure if becoming a member is right for you at this time? 

Becoming a volunteer would provide you with a great opportunity to meet the team and help out for the various projects and events. It would give you a glimpse into the Serbian Philanthropic Association world and could prove to be a great path to becoming a Member. 

Become a Volunteer

Submit a volunteer request

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